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by special request...

Life on board the radio ship MI AMIGO (1965)

Radio Caroline crew in action
By far the best impression about life on board a radio ship: this techicolor newsreel
was shot in 1965 by British Pathé visiting Radio Caroline on the good ship MV Mi Amigo.

Also see: Radio Atlanta on the radio ship MI AMIGO (1964)

More about our own history with 70's Radio Mi Amigo and Offshore Radio:

Photo Gallery || Movies: Life on board radio ship the MV Mi Amigo (1964)
About us || iBook: Pirate Radio Ships in the 70's || Offshore Radio Guide

"...that virtual ghost ship still sailing the (short-)waves..."

Sad news...
Johnnie Walker 1945 - 2024
What the Beatles were for pop music in the early 60s,
Johnnie Walker was for Free Radio and the offshore stations.
The best of them all.

"...that virtual ghost ship still sailing the (short-)waves..."

Broadcasting to the World on Shortwave and 24/7 ONLINE
with live presented shows from Friday 11am till Monday 8am [Central European Time]

Happy New Year!
At the start of our 10th year 'ON AIR'...
Happy New Year!

Hello radio friends,

It's that time of the year again where we wish each other happy holidays and a prosperous New Year. And a time to reflect. So here we are, looking back at a good year for Radio Mi Amigo International, a year when things went remarkably smooth.

We're also looking forward, to the year 2025, when it will be 10 years ago that our station first manifested itself as a long forgotten 'ghost ship' that unexpectedly appeared out of the fog, still drifting on fading ether waves, while blasting out vintage music via its vintage AM transmitters.

It is a very nice thought that all this time we managed to keep her afloat, as always: just for the fun of it and because we can, as you might expect of a crew of former offshore radio pirates,

We're proud: 10 years on the air is a long time for a station like ours. We survived a few storms, even outlived and beat the envy of others, all while maintaining the steady course that brought us where we are today.

A virtual radio station, broadcasting on AM Shortwave from the heart of Europe, with programs in 4 languages, from studios in 8 countries: Holland, Belgium, the UK, Germany, France, the USA, Ecuador, and even Indonesia. Making the best use of the possibilities of the internet, by spreading international pop music to music lovers all over the planet.

The station operates as a niche by design, not aiming for the masses. But every week it brings joy to faithful listeners such as yourself literally from every corner of the globe. Fans who recognize and like what we do, often touched by hearing forgotten songs of their youth that bring back happy memories. We're also well known by the international community of radio-amateurs and enthusiasts, who respect our steady presence on 6085 kHz Shortwave, now already for 8 and a half years!

Named after Radio Caroline's legendary radio ship 'Mi Amigo', that served the longest of them all (1958–1980) and that survived more storms than any other radio ship. That ship, the motor vessel Mi Amigo, from which ‘free radio’ originated in the early 60s, that played such an important role in the rise of pop culture, and that touched all of our radio hearts, has always been the source of our inspiration from the very start. It’s her spirit that we’re keeping alive today.

As our faithful listener, you can be proud as well: your continuing support means the world to us and keeps us going. So let's spread the word and share that pride in the coming year. Tell all your friends and let the world know you enjoy 'Europe's No.1 Oldies Station’, now entering its 10th year.

Nobody knows where our 'ghost ship' will sail from here or how long she will continue to drift on those fading radio waves. I guess that's all up to her crew, but even more so to you, our listeners. As long as we have fun together, there's no ocean too deep.

So thanks everyone for your support, for staying with us and help keeping our ship afloat this far. Let's all be proud and prepare to sail her steadily into the future, starting with next year, our 10th!

Happy holidays, happy New Year, and... a happy anniversary in 2025!

On behalf of our team:
Eric Coullet (FR), Andy Gordon (DE), Paul Graham (UK), Bruno Hantson (B), Johnny Lewis (UK), Paul Newman (UK), Ron O'Quinn (EQ/USA), Rosko 'the Emp' (USA) and Johan Vermeer (NL). Sende zentrum Kall: Burkhard Baumgardner (DE), Christian Milling (DE)

Lion Keezer

"...that virtual ghost ship still sailing the (short-)waves..."

Broadcasting to the World on Shortwave and 24/7 ONLINE
with live presented shows from Friday 11am till Monday 8am [Central European Time]

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays!
Merry Xmas 2024

"...that virtual ghost ship still sailing the (short-)waves..."

Broadcasting to the World on Shortwave and 24/7 ONLINE
with live presented shows from Friday 11am till Monday 8am [Central European Time]

Mi Amigo 50 - Terneuzen, June 2024: Huge success!

'Mi Amigo 50' was a one-off radio event to commemorate and celebrate the fact that Flemish offshore station Radio Mi Amigo first came on the air in 1974, now 50 years ago.

During the yearly 'Port Days' festivities in Terneuzen on 28 to 30 June, temporary radio ship mv Castor was moored in the port, - just like in 2019 in Blankenberge - set up with a live radio studio and FM transmitter. For three days, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., several original Mi Amigo DJs provided live programs, looking back on the station's glory days ('74 - '79).

The related Radio Mi Amigo International relayed all programs live so that they could be followed throughout Europe on shortwave 6085 kHz in that warm original AM sound from back in the day.

It quickly became a real blast! Spontaneous, fun programs and countless great stories from those original DJs 'amigos', who 'survived' those five turbulent years on that illustrious radio ship mv Mi Amigo, Radio Caroline's ship after which the station was named.

Unforgettable moments, also for the many die-hard fans from Belgium and the Netherlands, who came by or who were able to enjoy the broadcasts one more time at home on the radio.

Thanks to all who made it possible. A nice reunion and a beautiful closing moment...



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